Phone 028 90 420 145

Downloads Page

From here you can download the following documents.

Respite Apartments

The allocation of the apartments is administered by the VWS NI using eligibility/priority criteria agreed by the Trustees of the Benevolent Fund. All completed applications should be sent to the relevant field team. In order to ensure your application is sent to the right team select your post code from the drop-down list; and you will be presented with the correct application form. 
NOTE: You must have served in the UDR to be eligible to apply 

Veterans Hand Book

This Handbook is intended to assist the whole Service community by clearly spelling out “who does what for whom” and by identifying local contact details. It is intended to be a reference document and to act as a sign-post to local agencies which, once contacted, can then follow up with support intervention as required. Stakeholders and gate-keepers are urged to use it if a member of the Service community in need comes to their attention.
Veterans Handbook

Need Help?

Contact us for practical help, welfare advice or medical services

Regional Field Teams

North (Coleraine Area)

028 92 260 615

South (Portadown Area)

028 92 260 044

East (Holywood Area)

028 90 420 266

West (Enniskillen Area)

028 92 260 114
"Helping our people in need to live their lives"