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Extension to UDR Health Scheme

June 13, 2023

The Trustees of The UDR Benevolent Fund are conscious that many UDR Veterans are experiencing health issues which have resulted in them being placed on NHS waiting lists to seen by a consultant.

To try and help, the Trustees set-up a pilot health care scheme.

The pilot scheme is being reviewed at present and the Trustees are considering the possibility of extending it for a further year to 31 August 2024.

If the scheme is extended for a further year and you are not currently part of it, but would like to join, please complete the attached “Expression of Interest” form and return, preferably by email, or post, to be received no later than 13:00hrs on Friday 07 July 2023.

If you are currently on the pilot, you do not need to re-apply.


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028 92 260 615

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028 92 260 044

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028 90 420 266

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028 92 260 114
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